Faith, Hope, and Love strengthened by prayer led our ancestors to establish Union View Church. God led them to walk in the shadows of the cross, and in answer to their prayers, He revealed to them that there is strength through unity. Without the Faith, Hope, and Love, needless to say perseverance there would not have been a Union
View Church. Prior to the 1920’s, the people in and around the Green Pond Community worshipped in an old building located across from the old Griffin home house. It was named “The Hall’.
The building was torn down, the people began to worship in an old school acrossfrom the present site of Union View where the old Gaston Williams store is located. The church was once named “Green Pond Church”, “The Free Will Baptist Church”, and later named “Union View Church”.
In 1920, Reverend James Aaron Johnson, Deacon Sam Austin, Sr., and Deacon Madison Joyner laid the foundation for Union View. The original church was destroyed by fire on September 26, 1956, and was rebuilt in 1961. The complete church was rebuilt in 1986.
The Pastors that have served at Union View are as followed:
Reverend J.T. Johnson. Reverend Lender, Reverend Rouse, Reverend Willoughby, Reverend G.W. Little, Reverend D.E. Edwards, Reverend K.L. Smith, Reverend J.D. Dudley, Reverend G.A. Richardson, Bishop J.N. Perry Jr.
The History of
Young People Christian League (YPCL) - This ministry is designed to minister to the youth, teens and young adults of the church, by providing spiritual enlightenment, activities and fellowship. Chairperson - Deaconess Betsy Battle
Brotherhood - This ministry is designed to minister directly with the men of the church. Meetings are held once a month to provide spiritual enlightenment. Chairperson - Trustee Jimmie Bagley
Sisterhood - This ministry is designed to minister to the Women. Meetings are held once a month to provide encouragement and fellowship. Chairperson - Mother Diane Joyner
Mission - This ministry is designed to help those in need both local and foreign. We are able to provide non-perishable food and monetary gifts for those in need.
Chairpersons - Evangelist Linda Braswell, Sister Dianne Lynch, Sister Ann Bullock & Sister Brenda Perry